In Defense of Marxism, Topic: The French elections: a collapse of the status quo

I have two Aussies, excellent herders. If Marxists were sheep my Aussies would prove useless.

So here is Alan Woods* commenting on the "gilets jaunes' movement and he sounds nothing like the several self-identified "Marxists" who are embracing the capitalist politics of division, which finds them nasally railing against 90% of the (lumpenproles?)working class, in several threads at The Digger, with (irrational?)passion and gusto.


*Alan Woods (born 23 October 1944)[1] is a British Trotskyist political theorist and author.[2] He is one of the leading members of the International Marxist Tendency (IMT), as well as of its British affiliate group Socialist Appeal.[3] He is political editor of the IMT's In Defence of Marxism website. Woods was a leading supporter within the Militant tendency within the UK Labour Party and its parent group the Committee for a Workers' International until the early 1990s.[4] A series of disagreements on tactics and theory led to the expulsion from the tendency of Woods and Ted Grant, who founded the Committee for a Marxist International (soon renamed International Marxist Tendency) in 1992. They continued with the policy of entryism into the Labour Party.[5]Woods has expressed particularly vocal support for the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela, and repeatedly met with the socialist President of Venezuelan Hugo Chávez (in office 1999-2013), leading to speculation[by whom?] that he was a close political adviser to the president.[6][7] - Alan Woods (political theorist) - Wikipedia


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