The American Conservative, Topic: 240,000 Yemenis Are Already Living in Famine Conditions

Link: 240,000 Yemenis Are Already Living in Famine Conditions | The American Conservative


"The International Rescue Committee released a statement on Yemen’s famine yesterday:
A new integrated food security and classification (IPC) report shows that 240,000 Yemeni civilians are living in famine condition and 9.8 million are on the brink of famine, a shocking increase of 42% increase since 2017. About 2 million children under the age of 5 are severely malnourished in Houthi-controlled areas, and as many as 400,000 children could starve if assistance cannot be distributed to them.
The numbers used to quantify the size and severity of Yemen’s humanitarian crisis can be difficult to fathom. It is still shocking that a group of governments, including the U.S., have prosecuted a war that has created such horrific conditions over the course of three and a half years, and even more shocking is that they have been able to do so without provoking much of an outcry.
The only sane thing to do under the circumstances is to pull the plug on all U.S. assistance to the Saudis and Emiratis in an effort to force them to face the reality that the war is unwinnable and has already inflicted far too much damage on the civilian population. To persist in this despicable policy when we can clearly see the destructive effects it is having on millions of innocent people would very simply be evil."


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