Guns + Butter Podcast: COVID-19 Coronavirus: The Crisis - Michel Chossudovsky, #420

EH here. I don't know how we missed this, but here's Guns + Butter's interview with Prof. Michel Chossudovsky and Bonnie Faulkner aired on March 18, 2020. Even though it’s a month old it’s really useful to listen to, particularly if, like me, you feel like an avalanche of CV-19 information has been dumped on you these past months; or, alternatively, you're just starting to question the pro-lockdown MSM/"left" "people over profits" narrative. It offers a historical account from the beginning lie that we had a world pandemic on our hands on January 31, and looks at the broad picture in terms of how the plandemic was set up, the players involved and who stands to gain and who stands to lose. Very interesting and informative. Here is the URL to the episode. The site's introduction is copied below. 

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Michel Chossudovsky discusses his new series of research articles on the "pandemic", including, "COVID-19 Coronavirus 'Fake' Pandemic: Timeline and Analysis" and "Coronavirus COVID-19: 'Made in China' or 'Made in America'?, among others.
On January 30th, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) in relation to China's novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) categorized as a viral pneumonia. The virus outbreak was centred in Wuhan, a city in Eastern China with a population in excess of 11 million.
In the week prior to the January 30th decision, the WHO Emergency Committee expressed divergent views. There were visible divisions within the Committee. On January 30th, a far-reaching decision was taken without the support of expert opinion at a time when the coronavirus outbreak was limited to Mainland China.
There were 150 confirmed cases outside China when the decision was taken: 6 in the United States, 3 in Canada, 2 in the UK, etc. 150 confirmed cases over a population of 6.4 billion (world population of 7.8 billion minus Chinas 1-4 billion).
What was the risk of being infected? Virtually zero.
Aired: March 18, 2020
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