ChuangTzu14 provided a link to this 2017 article and I thought it deserved to be its own topic for discussion in the hopes it will get more readership. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ December 16, 2017 Racism and identity politics is one of the most fundamental and effective tactics of divide and conquer in the world since the beginning, and particularly the United States. As the American empire dies down lower order divisions will be amped up. Identity politics is being pushed by the Established Order as never before. Traditionally the right-wing has been pushing the bigotry. Currently, we see Liberalism taking up the mantle (see here , here and here ). It is vital that the masses open their eyes to the tribalism pushed on them. Sexism is older, more fundamental to society, and without it things would have turned out much differently. Capitalism has long been predated by the subjugation of women, for it can only rest on a foundation of ...