
Showing posts from December 29, 2019

The Terrifying Rise of the Zombie State Narrative

The Terrifying Rise of the Zombie State Narrative  2 Jan, 2020      by  craig The ruling Establishment has learnt a profound lesson from the debacle over Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction. The lesson they have learnt is not that it is wrong to attack and destroy an entire country on the basis of lies. They have not learnt that lesson despite the fact the western powers are now busily attacking the Iraqi Shia majority government they themselves installed, for the crime of being a Shia majority government. No, the lesson they have learnt is never to admit they lied, never to admit they were wrong. They see the ghost-like waxen visage of Tony Blair wandering around, stinking rich but less popular than an Epstein birthday party, and realise that being widely recognised as a lying mass murderer is not a good career choice. They have learnt that the mistake is for the Establishment ever to admit the lies. The Establishment had to do a certain amount of col...

It Bears Repeating: Renewables Alone Won’t End the Climate Crisis

  It Bears Repeating: Renewables Alone Won’t End the Climate Crisis By  Andrew Nikiforuk , November 26, 2019 In a  recent column  about the dismal Canadian election, I wrote that most Canadians and their lacklustre political parties have no real appreciation of the physical and moral challenges posed by the disruptive force of climate change. Although the media still portrays climate change as some vague threat to “the environment,” it is really a self-made blitzkrieg that is already destabilizing a highly energy-intensive and complex human civilization. Greta Thunberg has spoken prophetically: our civilized house is on fire. But our collective politicians, blinded by ideology and technological illusions, refuse to panic, let alone call the community fire department. They behave as though they can just build another house somewhere else on Mars, and then watch the conflagration on Netflix. In that previous analysis, I qu...

Let’s cheer another successful assassination!

Let’s cheer another successful assassination! By  Larry Kummer,   4 January 2020 Summary: During the past decade we have deployed our most skilled warriors and most advanced technology in a massive assassination program with few precedents in history. This put the power of evolution to work for our foes. It is called the Darwinian Ratchet, a well-known concept in science and proven in war. I and others predicted that this would set the Middle East in flames. But even after 19 years, we prefer not to see it. Victory remains impossible until we overcome our inability to learn this and other basics of modern warfare. “Insanity is repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results.” —  Not said by Einstein. Said by Alcoholics Anonymous , people who know everything about dysfunctionality. The dumbest headline of 2020: “End of terror or start of war?” — AP and CNN (e.g.,  here ,  here ). How many times have we been told an assassin...