The Swine Flu Profiteers
Thanks to Maxwell for recommending this video. Since I haven't figured out how to upload a video on Blogger that's not from YouTube, I will leave a link down below. The Swine Flu Profiteers The 2009 Swine Flu Profiteers In 2009, the world greatly feared a new virus showing up in Mexico. After a few months, it quickly turned out it was as good as harmless, with only a few hundred people confirmed dead from it, worldwide.(Later numbers in Wikipedia are significantly higher, but are still estimates) Even so, the World Health Organization decided to declare a pandemic.The directions from the WHO are not binding for the states, but they create a strong political pressure. WHO's decision to raise it from alert phase 4-5 to phase 6 was based on technical criteria that was decided in advance,based on geographic distribution. How many people actually die or get seriously ill in the world, is no longer a criterion for declaring a pandemic, geographic distribution is more ...