
Showing posts from April 25, 2021

USA Today: ‘Browsing Books Is Dangerous! It Leads to Extremism’

 Thanks to Иван for recommending this article... USA Today: ‘Browsing Books Is Dangerous! It Leads to Extremism’ Niamh Harris   66 SHARES The far-left whackos at USA Today don’t want ordinary Americans to browse books as it might lead them down an “extremist rabbit hole.” Yes,  really . According to USA Today’s Jessica Guynn, Amazon’s book recommendation system must be censored and moderated to ensure anything that goes against the authoritarian left-wing narrative is hidden from sight. From  USA Today, “Is Amazon recommending books on QAnon and white nationalism? Browsing books can lead to extremist rabbit hole” : Amazon’s book recommendation algorithms that help customers discover new titles may have a dark side. A new report from the Institute for Strategic Dialogue says these algorithms steer people to books about conspiracy theories and extremism, sometimes introducing them to the work of conspiracy theorists who’ve been banned by other online platforms. Pe...

"Joe Biden’s Fabulous Fool’s Peace" by Nicky Reid

  APRIL 30, 2021 Joe Biden’s Fabulous Fool’s Peace BY   NICKY REID Facebook Twitter Reddit Email Oh sweet lord Satan, is this it? Is this really how it ends? With Joe Biden struggling to pronounce Pashtun words on badly shuffled cue cards. Is this it? After twenty long years that could only accurately be described as goddamned, is this finally mercifully it? Twenty years! Twenty years in Afghanistan! Has it really only been twenty years? It feels more like forty or four hundred. Twenty years. Twenty years of drone strikes and bombing hospitals and wedding parties. Twenty years of digging graves for men who came home broken but alive. Twenty years of propping up dope lords, rapists, and pederasts. Twenty years of insisting that such beasts were moderates in the business of women’s lib. Twenty years of stacking corpses too high to accurately count the dead. Higher than those merciless mountains standing like gallows made from god’s serrated fangs. Twenty years of the longest war...

"The Myth of Authority"by Darren Allen

  The Myth of Authority Darren Allen Humans are incapable of looking after, organising, protecting or ruling themselves. They need someone or something in power to do it for them. This creed emanates from every pore of the owner, the professional, the state, the institution and the egoic, unconscious parent. Often the message is an explicit exhortation, or order, to respect authority, obey the prince or know your place, but usually, in the highly developed system, The Myth of Authority is implicit, an unspoken assumption that a world which has the power to command you and I, is normal, right and natural. Obedience is fostered and sustained by rewarding those who submit and by punishing those who rebel. Schools are structured to identify and filter out children who ‘don’t play well with others’, who ‘voice strong opinions’, who are ‘disruptive’, ‘insubordinate’ or have ‘a relaxed attitude’; admission panels of elite universities and interviewers for top jobs are hyper-sensitive to t...

“The measures taken affect the health of the population and kill. The dictatorship is on the move ”according to Doctor Badel

  Thanks to Maxwell for recommending this article... “The measures taken affect the health of the population and kill.  The dictatorship is on the move ”according to Doctor Badel Covid 19, a virus and people.  A text by Doctor Frédéric Badel, psychiatrist, who notably explores the consequences of “health measures” on the population. Covid 19, a virus and people In ten months, our daily life has been greatly modified and our benchmarks profoundly changed.  Our democracy has suffered severe turbulence, battered by the state of emergency and measures eroding our fundamental rights. Can the appearance of the virus called Covid 19 be the explanation? As early as March 2020, shortly after the supposed date of appearance of the virus, certain inconsistencies in communication and in the management of the disease could alert. The creation of a scientific council at the end of March, made up of people who did not take into account the field data and decided alone on new health...