“The measures taken affect the health of the population and kill. The dictatorship is on the move ”according to Doctor Badel

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“The measures taken affect the health of the population and kill. The dictatorship is on the move ”according to Doctor Badel

macron dictatorship

Covid 19, a virus and people. A text by Doctor Frédéric Badel, psychiatrist, who notably explores the consequences of “health measures” on the population.

Covid 19, a virus and people

In ten months, our daily life has been greatly modified and our benchmarks profoundly changed. Our democracy has suffered severe turbulence, battered by the state of emergency and measures eroding our fundamental rights.

Can the appearance of the virus called Covid 19 be the explanation?

As early as March 2020, shortly after the supposed date of appearance of the virus, certain inconsistencies in communication and in the management of the disease could alert.

The creation of a scientific council at the end of March, made up of people who did not take into account the field data and decided alone on new health measures, bypassing all the bodies in place, was an anomaly. Containment for a virus was not justified, France not being at war contrary to what the President announced, and the ban on doctors to freely treat their patients was an attack on one of the founding pillars of Medicine. Treating the infection with paracetamol and not seeing your doctor, or going to the hospital directly, contributed to the delay in treatment and increased mortality, as well as the overloading of certain services. Many private structures have seen their requisitioned beds remain empty. And at the same time, their usual patients could not be treated as they should have been, some died of it. The treatment given to this epidemic, both medical and media, was nothing like that given to previous virological episodes. The daily count of the number of victims made the atmosphere threatening and helped to terrorize the population.

Likewise, the announcement from the start of the epidemic of a "world after" to be opposed to the "world before" sparked astonishing rhetoric concerning a viral epidemic.

The media have widely propagated a government word based on manipulation (mainly through fear and changes in epidemic indicators), on lies (about the availability and then the effectiveness of masks for example), on infantilization (making a statement to oneself), and guilt (kissing loved ones will kill them).

With the death toll falling from May, the epidemic indicators have been changed to deliberately create confusion and the illusion of a persistent virus. As patients became rare, they were replaced in the figures by "cases". These cases, which have no epidemiological significance and are therefore uninterpretable, were detected using tests which turn out to give a very high rate of false positives. But yet and in spite of common sense, this application to flush out "cases" by means of this same test has been accentuated.

The growing number of "cases" has justified the taking of measures involving deprivation of liberty, all as incomprehensible, illogical and ineffective as each other. Their predictable ineffectiveness has been disguised as poor observance of the rules and has justified new measures that are increasingly restrictive, contradictory and arbitrary.

The culture of nonsense has established itself as an effective means of astonishment of the masses. As evidenced by the closure of bars and other sports and entertainment venues without any protest from the majority of us while, at the same time, access remains free to public transport.

These manipulation techniques were intended to stun people's minds. Terrorizing a population by constantly broadcasting catastrophic messages is nothing new. After a variable time settles indifference, learned helplessness, so many natural adaptive phenomena which consist in not agitating in vain when it is obvious that the result does not depend on the action taken.

An increasingly greater tolerance has thus developed for the melting of our fundamental rights: confinements, then curfews and arbitrary closings of convivial establishments. Tolerance of injustice and submission to authority were constantly measured, each time pushing the cursor of the restriction of freedoms a little further. A pivotal measure apparently consisted of the obligation to wear a mask at school imposed on children from six years old. The government knew that, henceforth, people were able to apply measures to their own children that could harm their physical and psychological health, without any scientific evidence supporting the usefulness of such abuse. And yet, few are those who have withdrawn their children from schools.

The real data, those observable in everyday life by direct observation (for example there are not patients everywhere and I myself do not know any), did not arrive, after the month of April and the end of the epidemic, to re-establish a coherent psychic organization sufficient to prevent certain parents from inflicting ill-treatment on their children.

Today, manipulation continues using the same methods to induce vaccination.

In fact, vaccinate against a virus that exposes less than 0.5% of infected people to death, the median age of victims being 84 years, vaccinate against a virus which, moreover, is governed like this type of virus by the rule of mutation (several are already detected), is not rational. It is medically nonsense. The benefit-risk ratio is not favorable and the question of developing such a vaccine should not even arise. In addition, treatments for this condition exist and are effective. But science has no place. It is the doctors of the television sets who forge opinion, and this in spite of their collusion with the laboratories on which accounts are only rarely asked of them.

The population is now split into two groups.
The first, heterogeneous, is made up of people in favor of the vaccine. It brings together those who, out of conviction or weariness, are ready to submit to it to get out of the crisis. It thus shelters people whom it has been possible to sensitize, who believe without hesitation in the message relayed by the airwaves. They will remain receptive to all the messages of danger and will agree to the method of exiting the crisis, even if it is accompanied by lasting deprivations of their rights. We also find in this group people who have cut themselves off from all information for a long time, to protect themselves, and who have become indifferent to any speech. For them, the main thing is to stop hearing about the subject. They disqualified all the reviews to neutralize them. Thus the lure of the tests leading to an epidemic of cases, without dead or sick, can no longer understand, as if their brain has been disconnected. Their priority is to put an end to the mistreatment inflicted on them by cutting themselves off from any nuisance.

The second group brings together the detractors of the vaccine, those who have escaped the influence of media hype, who have often taken advice or sought information outside conventional sources, while remaining sensitive to the reality of their environment (hospital services not saturated, number of deaths comparable to previous years, measures taken not proportionate, reduction of fundamental rights without justification, etc.). These people also understood that a vaccination would not exempt from social distancing measures and, therefore, that conviviality would not be restored, that the government would arbitrarily keep control of the population and its activities. Above all, they observe the ever increasing interference of the State in their daily lives and in their private life.

These two groups are now separated by a line that will be difficult to move. The manipulation showed limits which were foreseeable and it will have no effect on those it has tried, in vain, to convince. These groups have come to a standstill, their numbers have come to a standstill, and regardless of the arguments put forward, the scandals established or the evidence brought forward, they will be drowned in an inalienable national narrative impossible to denounce except to be treated as a conspirator. The words will have replaced reality and, used against the job, they will have lost their meaning and will convey ideas that break with the facts. The power in place will even be able to confess its lies, the people will acclaim it, unable to believe it ill-intentioned and convinced that it is above suspicion. It is therefore no longer time to publish the results of studies proving the effectiveness of such and such a product, the lie about another, to produce curves demonstrating the infinitesimal nature of the health risk and the disproportionate nature of the fear reactions. Deafness and blindness reign supreme in people who, conditioned, are deprived of judgment and unable to admit that objective facts can contradict the reality they have constructed.

Organizing the confrontation of these two groups of the population is a possibility - opportunity? - now possible. Our leaders should quickly seize on it to encourage a social organization that would pit good and bad citizens against each other, healthy, docile, responsible and vaccinated people and toxic, rebellious, inconsistent and unvaccinated people. This system of good citizens is present in China. It is based on denunciation and obedience to the rule.

The good use by the government of the graduation in the constraint and the submission of the people lead to this day to the acceptance of a useless vaccination of which the toxicity is not evaluated and for which the laboratories, taking into account the rapidity of 'product development, have already negotiated not to be held responsible for potential side effects, getting states to respond to such consequences.

And why not ultimately since politicians have become doctors. Our rulers and our parliamentarians, by their power and influence, will encourage a whole population to make a gesture whose interest has not been demonstrated and the consequences of which have not been measured, and thus present themselves as saviors.

It evokes sectarian techniques and collective suicides. To escape the end of the world or the extraterrestrials - here the deadly virus - sacrifice is presented as saving. The reality buried under the discordant, guilty daily messages has given way to delirium in which the logical links dissolve.

Sects use these means: isolate individuals by cutting them off from their social and family ties, make people dependent by depriving them of their means of subsistence, propagate a univocal discourse hammered into permanent high masses, oust any divergent thought , present opponents as pests who understand neither their own interest nor the superior common interest. "Us against the others" is generally the simple doctrine understandable by everyone because it is simplistic, and unfortunately adopted.

The course is crossed. Now that the dividing lines which divide the population are becoming clearer, this government no longer has the possibility of returning to more reasonable and proportionate positions. He did everything possible in the field of manipulation, he mobilized all spheres of influence while remaining credible with a large part of the population. For those who, rebels, refuse to join, other still more coercive methods are essential.

The signs of this totalitarian drift are found in the brainwashing techniques employed, identical to those of the sects. They were there from the start, but how can we believe that a democratically elected government can turn against its people?

Today, part of this people is plunged into poverty, disarray, the "non-essentials" begin to commit suicide, psychiatric disorders multiply and ... the scientific council continues to ensure its high mass to an army of hallucinated faithful.

Tomorrow, any virus, real or fictitious, will once again be able to sow terror among populations ready to be vaccinated in order to retain a little freedom. They are ready for it. And if the current tests are still used - against all logic - even the vaccinated populations will be positive and will remain contagious. Distancing measures will remain the rule.

Another sign of the deception, the men who whisper viruses in the ear are already predicting the waves to come and their dates of appearance. All science has really deserted our societies. Social networks, "conspirators", gave confinement dates long before their official announcement, thus showing that any health concern was absent from official decisions.

The human consequences are terrible. Any place of conviviality has disappeared, people are more isolated than ever, they suffer from iniquitous measures imposed by a handful of leaders, without any consultation, under the guise of ensuring their salvation. What makes humans, their ability to forge links, their need to come into contact with others, is threatened. The social fabric has dissolved in the measures imposed by a regime gone mad, out of control, unrolling a long-established roadmap despite any consideration of reality. The measures taken affect the health of the population and kill. They are anti sanitary. The dictatorship is on the move.

Our way of life has indeed changed; the Covid is only the pretext, the catalyst. This deterioration in our living conditions and the disproportionate measures taken to fight against a virus gives credence to the discourse of those who see in it the means of establishing a new world order which must destroy our privacy and our individual rights.

The first observations show the signs of the realization of this new order.

Dr Frédéric Badel, psychiatrist.

Source: CovidInfos


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