
Showing posts from December 20, 2020

"Psychopathy and the Origins of Totalitarianism" by James Lindsay

 EH here. This is a long read. For those who agree with CJ Hopkins that we are living, seemingly suddenly, in a cult society, it is worth the time, imo. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ December 25, 2020 Many of the greatest horrors of the history of humanity owe their occurrence solely to the establishment and social enforcement of a false reality. With gratitude to the Catholic philosopher Josef Pieper and his important 1970 essay “Abuse of Language, Abuse of Power” for the term and idea, we can refer to these alternative realities as ideological  pseudo-realities . Pseudo-realities, being false and unreal, will always generate tragedy and evil on a scale that is at least proportional to the reach of their grip on power—which is their chief interest—whether social, cultural, economic, political, or (particularly) a combination of several or all of these. So important to the development and tragedies of societies are these pseudo-realities when they arise and take root that it...

"The Moral Austerity Trap" published at "The Bellows", authored by Geoff Shullenberger (23 December 2020)

Mensch59 here.  "Unemployment, hunger, institutional breakdown, and the destruction of social bonds are not symptoms of a virus. They are the indirect violence of class warfare. The pandemic is a convenient scapegoat for the largest upward wealth transfer in modern human history. Under the pretext of a public health policy, elites have successfully waged a counterrevolution that will result in the erosion of working conditions and quality of life for generations to come." ~ Alex Getentag (who also writes at The Bellows")   The Moral Austerity Trap How reducing politics to the moral simplicity of "saving lives" leads us to elite oppression. by Geoff Shullenberger December 23, 2020 Saving lives as a race to the bottom. (photo: Mike Kemp / Getty Images | photoshop: Edwin Aponte) Over the past half-decade, a series of political passions have swept across the Democratic coalition. Despite their intensity, these moments of moral fervor have tended to fade as the news...