Discuss: The US Bombs Syria. Again.
Discuss: The US Bombs Syria. Again. Syria attack shows Joe Biden was telling the truth when he said “America is back!” America committed a war crime last night. Another one. We’re so used to it happening that we’ve installed a special filter – one reaction for when America bombs someone, and a completely different reaction whenever someone else does the same. But the US is not exceptional, and its bombs are not special or justified or less bomby just because they have the stars and stripes painted on the side. Syria is a sovereign nation, and any military action on its people or within its borders, without the express consent of the Syrian government or the United Nations, is considered a crime under international law. This is an important fact, which most everyone in the mainstream seems happy to ignore. So why did this particular war crime happen? Well, the US claim the strikes were on a border crossing point used by “Iranian backed” militias, in retaliation for an allege...