
Showing posts from December 27, 2020

My pandemic with Professor Drosten

Thanks to Maxwell for recommending this article... My pandemic with Professor Drosten On January 29, 2021, Walter van Rossum's book of disclosure on the utterly peculiar role of the “virologist of the nation” will be published by Rubikon-Verlag. by  Walter van Rossum Not every crisis has a face. However, the corona crisis has - at least in Germany - one thing that should be known to everyone. With a strong, media wind under the doctor's coat, Christian Drosten advanced from a virologist to a pandemic media star in 2020. One could get the impression that a whole country was hanging on the lips of this apparently so clairvoyant man, who was able to pull a miracle test out of his sleeve faster than the virus could attack people. On closer inspection, however, it quickly becomes clear that the awe-inspiring personality cult around Drosten and the narrative evoked by Drosten are on feet of clay. Walter van Rossum carries out precisely this critical consideration in his new book “My ...

The Tyrant

 Thanks to Maxwell for recommending this article... The Tyrant Germany turned into a dictatorship under the rule of Angela Merkel and is part of a worldwide despotic system. by Ullrich Mies By the end of February 2020, the author believed he had an inkling of how viciously the centers of power operate. However, his imagination shattered against reality. The transnational capitalist class and power elite, oligarchs and plutocrats and their satraps in government are capable of far more than any “conspiracy theorist” can imagine. Together they are the enemies of humanity. Compared to what the rulers around the world are responsible for in terms of crimes, acts of terrorism, secret service operations, wars, regime changes and all kinds of conspiracies, conspiracy theorists are absolute bunglers. No conspiracy theorist can imagine what is currently happening in front of our eyes: The ruling cliques dismantle our societies and states, unfold a worldwide tyranny unprecedented in human his...

The Year in which Comforting American Myths Were Ravaged

  The Year in which Comforting American Myths Were Ravaged James Bovard Thanks in large part   to Covid lockdowns , t his year has left vast wreckage in its wake, with ten million jobs lost, more than 100,000 businesses and dozens of national chains bankrupted or closed. Up to 40 million people could  face eviction  in the coming months for failing to pay rent, and Americans report that  their mental health  is at record low levels. But the casualty list for 2020 must also include many of the political myths that shape Americans’ lives.  Perhaps the biggest myth to die this year was that Americans’ constitutional rights are safeguarded by the Bill of Rights. After the Covid-19 pandemic began, governors in state after state effectively placed scores of millions of citizens under house arrest – dictates that former Attorney General Bill Barr aptly compared to  “the greatest intrusion on civil liberties ” since the end of slavery. Politicians and gov...

Forecast 2021 — Chinese Fire Drills with a side of French Fries (Jacobin-style) and Russian Dressing

  Forecast 2021 — Chinese Fire Drills with a side of French Fries (Jacobin-style) and Russian Dressing James Howard Kunstler   As I write, the presidential election is still not resolved, with dramatic events potentially unfolding in the first days of the New Year. I’m not convinced that Mr. Trump is in as weak a position as the news media has made him out to be in these post-election months of political fog and noise. The January 6 meet-up of the Senate and House to confirm the electoral college votes may yet propel matters into a constitutional  Lost World  of political monsterdom. The tension is building. This week’s public demonstration by one Jovan Hutton Pulitzer of the easy real-time hackability of Dominion Voting Systems sure threw the Georgia lawmakers for a loop, and that demo may send reverberations into next Wednesday’s DC showdown. There may be some other eleventh-hour surprises coming from the Trump side of the playing field. As I averred Monday, w...