My pandemic with Professor Drosten
Thanks to Maxwell for recommending this article... My pandemic with Professor Drosten On January 29, 2021, Walter van Rossum's book of disclosure on the utterly peculiar role of the “virologist of the nation” will be published by Rubikon-Verlag. by Walter van Rossum Not every crisis has a face. However, the corona crisis has - at least in Germany - one thing that should be known to everyone. With a strong, media wind under the doctor's coat, Christian Drosten advanced from a virologist to a pandemic media star in 2020. One could get the impression that a whole country was hanging on the lips of this apparently so clairvoyant man, who was able to pull a miracle test out of his sleeve faster than the virus could attack people. On closer inspection, however, it quickly becomes clear that the awe-inspiring personality cult around Drosten and the narrative evoked by Drosten are on feet of clay. Walter van Rossum carries out precisely this critical consideration in his new book “My ...