The Tyrant

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The Tyrant

Germany turned into a dictatorship under the rule of Angela Merkel and is part of a worldwide despotic system.

by Ullrich Mies

By the end of February 2020, the author believed he had an inkling of how viciously the centers of power operate. However, his imagination shattered against reality. The transnational capitalist class and power elite, oligarchs and plutocrats and their satraps in government are capable of far more than any “conspiracy theorist” can imagine. Together they are the enemies of humanity. Compared to what the rulers around the world are responsible for in terms of crimes, acts of terrorism, secret service operations, wars, regime changes and all kinds of conspiracies, conspiracy theorists are absolute bunglers. No conspiracy theorist can imagine what is currently happening in front of our eyes: The ruling cliques dismantle our societies and states, unfold a worldwide tyranny unprecedented in human history. Civilizational achievements such as enlightenment, freedom and human dignity push them to the wall. Intra-social and international peace is on the knife edge.

“Whoever should perish becomes proud beforehand; and pride comes before the fall ” (1) - Bible, Book of Proverbs 16:18.

Psychopaths on a rampage

We let ourselves be ruled by psychopaths and serious criminals under the fraudulent label “democracy”. We allow it. The last dictatorship in Germany was only 75 years ago. Today the majority looks the other way again, does not want to understand anything again, is obviously too scared or too degenerate to fight for freedom and democratic rights that are being taken from all of us. The Merkel tyranny drowns our country and Europe in a new totalitarianism, in a sea of ​​lies and bullshit (2).

“Tyranny” describes a rule of violence, arbitrariness and terror. Colloquially, tyrannical obsolescence means “arbitrary, domineering behavior”, it is the behavior of an authoritarian person “who misuses his position and power to tyrannize other, especially dependent, subordinate” (3).

But this time tyranny is not limited to Germany. The World Economic Forum's new 1,000-year transhumanist empire is destined for the whole world. The power elites are using Corona and the alleged concern for the health of the population as an instrument for the transition to a new hyper-fascism. The corona virus is being used for completely different purposes, that's what this is about.

With Corona, the attention of mankind is to be maximally distracted so that they willingly follow their tormentors into the free fall of the tyranny intended for world society.

Hadn't they lied to us uncontrollably and trampled on humanity before March 2020? Have the lying centers turned into truth centers in the corona crisis? Have the ruling cliques become more credible and humane from March 2020? Or did you not switch the lying machine with the Corona number off-limits and move the wagon castle of state criminals and propaganda bullshit media even closer together?

Biggest public health concerns

Since March 28, 2020, the Merkel constitutional coup clique and the top bodies of the putschist parties have ruled in a state of emergency. Who would have thought? Above all, they have discovered their big heart for “public” health since March, in close collaboration with Bill & Melinda, BIG Money, Pharma, Data, Deep-State, the military, corporate EU, corrupt science and the vaccine-enthusiastic New Age -Dr. Mengeles. Isn't that fun?

This cabal is all of the greatest concern that “we” might become infected (4). That's why we have to keep our distance, even outdoors. In many inner cities, too, people have to wear disgusting face wraps, in some countries in southern Europe even on beaches. Experts have known for a long time that these rags are no good except for increased dental and oral diseases and a lack of oxygen (5). The misanthropists also torture our children in a kind of dog training with masks (6) and traumatize them in preparation for their future slave status in the age of digitization.

The mask terror is "supplemented" by house arrest regulations and disinfection mania: disinfect hands, disinfect surfaces, disinfect yourself all around. Experts have repeatedly stated that the PCR test is not suitable for diagnosis (7), but for political corruption reasons they are not heard, denounced, despised and pushed out of their professions or pelted with the well-known, intellectually subterranean bullshit: " Conspiracy theorists, anti-Semites, corona deniers, etc. (8). It is a fact, not fake: it is mostly government-supported sedition (9).

The bad fact is: in modern tyranny, humans are biomass, earlier called human material. In the world of the transhumanists, this “biomass” has the sole function of being subject, servant and slave. People have to shut up, get vaccinated, get chipped and tracked, merge with AI machines, place orders online, be controllable via their digital central bank account, work at their isolated digital workstation, follow hygiene dictates and die, when they collapse from mental crippling or commit suicide due to deep depression. The desired goal is: to reduce the human biomass on the planet. That is the announcement for the future!

Harmonization in the Merkel tyranny

In the Merkel tyranny, there is no room for the separation of powers, the principle of subsidiarity, an independent judiciary and the weighing of proportionality of the measures taken. The centralization and synchronization of all decision-making levels is in full swing. The tyrant imposes her will on the federal states, the municipalities, the judiciary up to and including the Federal Constitutional Court. On December 5, the Federal Constitutional Court under the corporate lobbyist Stephan Harbarth, who was appointed in May, crushed the constitution and the rule of law (10).

The 4th violence - the media - have long been part of the rule complex and an integral part of the war against civil societies. The democratic state has completely collapsed under Merkel, state sovereignty has replaced popular sovereignty via the state of emergency, the police state is emerging. Many still hallucinate one or the other "danger to democracy". Let me tell you: Democracy has been abolished, it is history, even the facade is no longer there (11).

The neo-fascist tentacles of the inflated “Infection Protection Main Office” of the Merkel tyranny (Federal Chancellery) reach deep into Brussels. The tyrant herself had thrown a rotten tomato at the head of the EU Commission in Brussels. The suppression of freedom of expression should now be coordinated even better through the EU. Cyber ​​military units are deployed in some countries. The Merkel terror is flanked by a "European Action Plan for Democracy" (12). The Commission wants to use him to combat “disinformation”.

As is well known, “Fakenews” is only produced by the democracy movement. And so the delete button on Google, YouTube and Co. is running at full speed to eliminate positions critical of tyranny. It is about coordinated censorship and censorship is the end of all democracy! Does the left notice anything? Truth and facts are not important, but the goals of the planned humiliation of the people behind the political terror in order to “achieve higher goals” - those of the 4th industrial revolution!

And that's not all. In its foreign and war policy (13), Merkel's rule is closely interwoven with deep-state formations of the war complex. Since the mid-1990s at the latest, the German governments have been key drivers of NATO and EU expansion to the east, involved in the destruction of Yugoslavia, the Syrian war, the Ukraine coup, in all sorts of foreign and secret service operations, including the genocide in Yemen. Anyone who wants to know can know all of this.

There is not enough space here to list foreign policy crimes. And because people are not supposed to calm down, the warmongering goes on and on: "China and Russia surround a quarreling Western alliance," said NATO war propagandist Jens Stoltenberg (14): Propaganda bullshit by bullshitters for brain-washed populations.

The people of the West are stuck in an absolutely sick, ethically and morally shattered civilization model in apocalypse mode (15).

In any case, what is happening around us is unprecedented in living memory. The “radically evil” (Hannah Arendt) (16) is in action: As a result of the lockdowns, millions of deaths worldwide will only add up in a few years; this applies in particular to the global south (17), which is particularly hard hit by the measures because the supply chains have collapsed. Mission — population reduction — accomplished, but vaccination programs can also help.

Complete delusion

How deluded does one actually have to be to believe all the brain-burned regime bullshit that is served up to us or even to stand by him as a vicarious agent or follower, to cover him, to support him? The arsenal of tyranny in the war against the peoples not only includes mask terror, PCR tests, compulsory vaccination programs and police-cordoned inner cities, but also the destruction of human dignity, the decomposition of any opposition and the human spirit. All of this and much more weakens the human immune system. Merkel tyranny and eager henchmen

  • stress the people under the Covid-19 regime to the extreme,

  • keep people in a state of fear and shock and trigger this fear with new horror messages every day,

  • work in close collaboration with their media bullshit mafia,

  • ensure through the unsanitary mask terror that the body and brain are not adequately supplied with oxygen,

  • incite people and call for denunciation,

  • force people into isolation and into the digital home office (18),

  • their distance regime disrupts the coexistence of people, including families,

  • systematically destroy small and medium-sized businesses and millions of jobs and livelihoods,

  • destroy social togetherness and cultural exchange by banning meetings in restaurants, hotels, visiting museums and concerts, meetings, etc.

  • forbid everything that is good for people, for example sport and socializing, undermine everything that promotes and strengthens togetherness,

  • position the health authorities to carry out the isolation torture,

  • are setting up military-flanked vaccination centers to give people under-tested vaccines.

Even with this stress you can murder people in the medium to long term. Corona is only the way to the goal. In essence, it is not about Corona, it is about the underlying agenda of the World Economic Forum with all its "future-oriented achievements".

Psychological surgery in a class of its own

The Covid-19 regime is internal warfare. What we experience includes the entire knowledge of psychological warfare, Mind Control / MKUltra, "Biedermann's table of compulsion" (19) and all the knowledge of countless wars and anti-guerrilla wars (20). It's a super psyop-mind-control-counterinsurgency operation against civil societies (21).

The fear-mongering papers from the German and Austrian interior ministries reveal the perfidy of the super criminals. These papers, too, belong in the spectrum of psychological operations as well as the strategic cooperation with the media as a “weapon”.

Just as they break the will of prisoners of war in war, the transhumanist psycho- and sociopaths of the World Economic Forum under Klaus Schwab, together with governments, secret services and the military, wage a psychological war against peoples in order to break their will. The destruction of the human psyche, the destruction of small and medium-sized businesses, of the entire cultural industry, massive censorship (22), population reduction, the social disintegration of societies, police terror against free media and much more belong to an action ensemble.

Covid-19 is political war, which most people do not understand, neither want nor can believe. Large parts of the orthodox “left” are too degenerate, too drunk with the state, to oppose the new dictatorship. They lack any ethical and moral compass. That is why many feel at ease in the Merkel dictatorship, expect positions to be won or secured, and feel called “to higher things”. Above all, they want to be able to tell people how to run and arrange their lives. That is why they ingratiate themselves with the Merkel tyranny as an ally and attack the democracy movement. Anti-democratic attitudes that glorify the state and hyper-capital fascism of the Merkel tyranny are obviously not a compelling contradiction.

Covid-19 is a centrally orchestrated, highly diversified operation. The production of chaos, the staged arbitrariness, the piercing of executive injustice, dictatorial opinion, intimidation and extensive lack of rights of the population, the goal of exhaustion as in a war of attrition should checkmate the enemy - and that is us all - before he comes up with the idea comes to fight.

In the specific case of the war of infection as a permanent state of affairs against the peoples, people should get used to the imposed nonsense until they themselves believe in it - frightened and exhausted. The permanent employment with daily new nonsense, new announcements and horror reports extends the psyop spectrum.

In a system running amok, madness is an end in itself, it is part of a war of attrition and subjugation. Furthermore, the pro and contra camps are deliberately set against each other: young against old, infection protection enthusiasts against fearless people, those willing to vaccinate against vaccine critics, etc. This psyop terror strategy is flanked by police measures that can be escalated internally at any time up to military action: Psyop + armed power against the population, that's what's going on.

The aim of all psychological operations is the submission of the human mind. If the “political animal” in a person is defeated, no shot has to be fired.

“PSYOP are planned operations that convey selected information and indicators to foreign target groups in order to influence their emotions, motives, objective thinking and ultimately the behavior of foreign governments, organizations, groups and individuals. (…) In this way PSYOP not only influences politics and decisions, but also the ability to govern, the ability to command, the will to fight, the will to obey and the will to support ” (23).

As long as the killer virus narrative wreaks havoc, mankind is not doing well. This narrative must be replaced by a new one - a narrative is stronger than any police apparatus and armies in the world.

The Merkel tyranny must distract as much as possible from the ravages of its politics and with Covid-19 has entered the escalation stage of a new dictatorship. To this end, all who refuse to be tyrannical must be denounced and despised as misguided go-getters, “foreign bodies in society”, and, in extreme cases, declared terrorists. This program is in full swing (24). This strategy is also a new edition of past dictatorships and was characteristic of the tyrannies Hitlerist or Stalinist stamping.

Passive and active resistance

The rule of tyrants is as old as the rule of man over man. That is why the subjects have always thought about how they can effectively set limits to the abuse of power and breach of contract by kings, princes and the clergy. The dispute over the right to resist has not been resolved for centuries. Fueled by the assassination attempt on July 20, 1944 against Hitler and by the emergency legislation after 1968, it is again the focus today after Angela Merkel and her henchmen, socialized in Protestant joylessness and SED cadre dictatorship, and her henchmen, torched the German Republic in toto to have.

The following quotations are from: Arthur Kaufmann / Leonhard E. Backmann (eds.) Resistance Law, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt 1972.

"In this context it is not uninteresting that in the 6th century the Spanish Visigoths who had already become Christian, the right of resistance went so far that 17 of 35 kings were not only deposed but even killed" (25).

“The objective ground for authority, rule and power given in the essence of the political community is the common good. Where a tyrant, be it through a revolutionary break-in or through precautions of his initially legitimate mandate, completely destroys the common good, he is without rights and has no authority. Active resistance against him is therefore permitted. Again, the common good is the necessary criterion for the actual application of this resistance, that is, for the uprising against the tyrant ” (26).

“The common good is the highest law! If the ruler, who has to care for the best of the people, constantly and seriously offends him against the common good, even inverts the purpose of his office into the complete opposite and obviously becomes the enemy and corrupter of his people, then he is leaving the legal basis on which his violence is built ” (27).

History repeats itself as tragedy or face (Karl Marx): After the failed assassination attempt on July 20, 1944, Hitler said:

“I'm freezing here. If the German people are not ready to stand up for their self-preservation ”(ie to continue the war to the point of complete self-destruction)“ well, then let it go! ” (28).

What is the purpose of the tyrant Merkel and her henchmen with multiple lockdowns other than the complete destruction of the economy and society of our country and Europe? Of the “creative destruction”, of which they are all supporters, in the medium term, chaos, disruption, the enrichment of the few and the misery of the many as well as the decline of all culture remain - in the long term anyway. This is the ultimate crime, the ultimate state terror.

The eternal followers, who don't seem to care in which political system they settle down and under whatever thumb they bow down - the eternal majority, so - Ernst Bloch writes in the studbook:

“Just being gentle doesn't mean being good. And the many weaklings we have are not peaceful yet. It's only in the cheap, bad sense of the word, it's all too easy. Yes, as small children they did not put up with anything, they urge people to think of wonders what it is all about. But after that there were a thousand wars for every ten revolts, and the victims remained well behaved. Next to it all the dodgers everywhere, don't say like that and not like that, so that afterwards it doesn't mean that they said like that or like that. It is easy to pretend to be peaceful, which is more cowardly and hidden ” (29).

And a sentence from Kant's "To Eternal Peace" was thrown at the tyrant, even though in 1789 Kant could not yet know that state power would not only run riot in interstate wars for the purpose of increasing power, but also to work globally and nationwide against its own peoples to maintain power would go:

“That kings philosophize or philosophers become kings is not to be expected, but also not to be desired; because the possession of power inevitably corrupts the free judgment of reason ” (30).

Bloch continues:

"Even beyond the war (the ultima ratio regis), violence is spoken of as a personal or official possession, one that continues to communicate to a whole class of courtiers or bureaucracy, which corrupts the free judgment of reason in itself, hindering the desired mutton people including authoritarian " (31).

Under the tyrant and her henchmen, the claim to the privatization of state power has not changed: 231 years of lost political development.

Editorial note: This is an expanded and footnoted version of an article published in "Democratic Resistance" No. 31.

Sources and Notes:

(2) Peter Stuurmann, bullshit is worse than a lie: ist-worse-than-luege /
(3) Duden, German universal dictionary
(5) https : // utm_campaign = magnet & utm_source = article_page & utm_medium = related_articles
(6) For the mask terror against children see :
(7) ; stellen-wegen-wissenschaftliche- Fehler-und-massiver-interessenkonfligte/
(8) -Antisemitism-accusation-by-anetta-kahane-and-kevin-kuehnert-questions-epoch-times / ;
(9) Ullrich Mies, Merkel putschists in the fight against the law:
(10) See circular 159: Declaration by KDW eV
(11) Ullrich Mies, Jens Wernicke (eds.), Facade Democracy and Tiefer Staat. On the way to an authoritarian age, Vienna 2017
(12) ;
(13) See: Ullrich Mies (ed.), Deriefe State strikes. How the western world creates crises and prepares wars, promedia, Vienna 2019; ;
(14) - Secretary-General-Stoltenberg-China-and /
(15) Vernon Coleman, Coming Apocalypse, Breslau 2020
(16) Hannah Arendt, About Evil. A lecture on questions of ethics, 13th edition, Munich 2019
(19) / show / brainwashing / intro / bidermanchart ;
(20) AM Nagy, (Ed.) CIA. Manual for Pychological Operations in Guerilla Warfare, Breslau, undated;
(21) Psyop. Military Psychological Operations Manual. FM 3-05.30, Headquarters, Department of the Army, April 2005
(22) : article_id = 488596
(23) US Army, PSYOP, Book 2, Implementing Psychological Operations. Tactics, Techniques an Procedures. FM 3-05.301, Headquarters of the Army, 2019, pp. 1-1
(24) Uli Gellermann, lateral thinker in psychiatry. Merkel and the next course of repression:
(25) Johannes Spörl, thoughts on the right to resist and murder of tyrants in Middle Ages, in: "Right of Resistance", p. 93
(26) Richard Hauser, Sense and Limit of Political Obedience, in: “Resistance Law”, p. 193
(27) Max Pribilla SJ, At the Limits of State Power, in: “Resistance Law”, p. 225
(28) Gerhard Ritter, German Resistance. Reflections on the 10th anniversary of July 20, 1944, in: “Resistance Law”, p. 294
(29) Ernst Bloch, Resistance and Peace, in: “Resistance Law”, p. 548
(30) Immanuel Kant, quoted in in: Ernst Bloch, Resistance and Peace, in: “Resistance Law”, p. 552
(31) Ibid.

Source: Rubikon


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