My pandemic with Professor Drosten

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My pandemic with Professor Drosten

On January 29, 2021, Walter van Rossum's book of disclosure on the utterly peculiar role of the “virologist of the nation” will be published by Rubikon-Verlag.

Not every crisis has a face. However, the corona crisis has - at least in Germany - one thing that should be known to everyone. With a strong, media wind under the doctor's coat, Christian Drosten advanced from a virologist to a pandemic media star in 2020. One could get the impression that a whole country was hanging on the lips of this apparently so clairvoyant man, who was able to pull a miracle test out of his sleeve faster than the virus could attack people. On closer inspection, however, it quickly becomes clear that the awe-inspiring personality cult around Drosten and the narrative evoked by Drosten are on feet of clay. Walter van Rossum carries out precisely this critical consideration in his new book “My Pandemic with Professor Drosten”. In the following he explains how this book came about.

It tightens your throat. What began as a disagreement about how to interpret data and what to do with it has turned into an existential confrontation. We can no longer avoid the question of who or what is behind this global scam called the corona pandemic. We are sold tens of thousands of newly infected people every day, more than 80 percent of whom have no idea that they are supposed to be sick. As well as? You hardly cough. One grows with the number of dead. Every day an airplane falls from the sky, the Corona Hercules from Bavaria rumbles. In truth, around 15 planes fall from the sky every day, killing around 2,800 people - that's how many people die every day in Germany. Undoubtedly the master wants to say in gloomy pictures that an airplane load more people every daydies than usual. That is simply a lie.

At the end of the year, perhaps a small number more people will have died than the long-term mean. Then the only question that remains is whether it is the suicides who preferred eternal rest to the terror of the pandemic, is it the heart attacks that were not treated or those who were stressed to death. Thousands of people have suffered a traumatic illness. As always in a country where almost 100,000 people die of acute respiratory diseases every year.

At Christmas, the Tagesschau brought pictures of wooden coffins in a traffic jam in front of Saxon crematoria - Bergamo ante portas. Terror is as deeply indecent as it is lying. The talk of triage is making the rounds. Who else can be treated? The intensive care units are about to collapse. Why has about 5,000 intensive care beds been dismantled since July 2020 in the firm expectation of the so-called “second wave”, why dozens of hospitals have been closed? Why didn't you increase staff instead of reducing them? Because that alone is the problem of overload.

Highly paid experts conjure up the exponential growth of cases. At no point has there been exponential growth. Not even a hint of it. In no single point did the corona pandemic in Germany reach the parameters of the influenza epidemic 2017/18, for example - when 25,000 more people actually died, which, however, did not even provoke appeals to wash hands, no Drosten commented on the daily water level reports of horror, and no one wanted that Override the Basic Law by ordinance.

I am not a fan of ultimate truths. But I have no doubt that this corona pandemic was systematically and deliberately lied to on a global scale from the start. But I neither know the originators nor their intentions. So I can only make certain investigative hypotheses. Such hypotheses are popularly branded as conspiracy theories by our quality journalists and used as battle slogans by minds who avoid the hardship of having to interpret the world and hope to get by with the conformisms of the pack.

From the beginning you can see a triad at work, which tries with all means and with a slight delay to force some cases of "mysterious pneumonia" in Wuhan into an enormously dangerous pandemic: the media, epidemiologists and politicians.

Before anyone knew any details, the media raised suspicions that it might be a variant of the SARS virus that had brought the world to the brink of disaster in 2002/03 - which was not even hinted at. When the suspicion was confirmed, the mass media reporting turned into missionary propaganda. Propaganda - once launched - is the first to immediately infect the propagandists themselves. For some time now, the mainstream media have formed a closed society that has lost all significant pluralism. It has been observed for a long time how the pack hypnotized itself and appeared as herald of ultimate truths. In the frenzy of the apocalypse, it has now completely bewitched itself. The systematically one-sided,

And early on, a man moved to the center of the action, who was almost always there when a pandemic was born in the 21st century, and whose warnings - sometimes identical to the point - reliably proved to be false, a PCR Test for a "new type" coronavirus was practically in his pocket before anyone could even know that it was a coronavirus that, in an almost uncanny way, transformed, monopolized and disseminated chattering perplexity in the media into expertise Reference laboratories around the world helped determine diagnostics and who is involved in the epidemic watchdog business in a way that will be explained later: Professor Christian Drosten.

I am not claiming that the virologist Drosten is in charge of the global pandemic. It has countless locations, countless actors and a long history. Rather, Drosten offered itself as a kind of red thread for a chronicle of this pandemic. Not because it sheds light on the confusing story, but because it shows its darkness.

From February 26, 2020, the NDR will grant the virologist an initially almost daily broadcast as a commentator on the pandemic, which at that time was far from being one. By the end of the year, Drosten had delivered a hard-to-bear declaration of surrender to virological expertise in over 60 episodes. For this he was rewarded with the Federal Cross of Merit, and his beatification can be expected at any time.

In no time and under obscure circumstances, he developed a PCR test that would prove to be the most dangerous diagnostic tool of all time. According to information from almost all medical authorities worldwide and almost all manufacturers, such a test can only be used in conjunction with a complex clinical examination. Not a single one of these authorities has ever followed this. Therefore, with this test, with the “correct” setting, you can conjure up almost as many “infected” people as you need. In the meantime an international group of virologists has discovered serious technical errors in Drosten's PCR test.

Drosten was on hand with his PCR tests for almost all virus outbreaks of this century, which were teased into pandemics with all their might and grotesque media din. In retrospect, SARS-1, bird flu, swine flu or MERS look more like completely atypical, if not to say asymptomatic, epidemics that disappeared as quickly as they came.

Looking back, we also see strange patterns in connection with the topic of "biosecurity". About 20 years ago, people began to stir up fears of biological weapons - supposedly in the hands of terrorists or rogue states like Iran. With the great anthrax hype in the USA in 2001, however, it turned out that the stuff came from their own biological weapons laboratories. In this respect it seemed safer to leave the terror to nature. Coming pandemics have been systematically invoked as human catastrophes lurking everywhere, breaking out at any time.

The earth was covered with a dense network of epidemic watchtowers - built by an extremely powerful network of the “public-private partnership” model.

Self-proclaimed philanthropists entered global healthcare. Above all the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation , the Rockefeller Foundation , Michael Bloomberg , the World Economic Forum (WEF) and a number of other super rich and super-kind people. Bill & Melinda started the huge vaccination machinery with billions of dollars and took on a fifth of the costs of the World Health Authority.

Michael Bloomberg, former Mayor of New York, flooded Johns Hopkins University and the Center for Health Security with billions of dollars, the latter promptly became the headquarters of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, while the WEF, as a major sponsor, made the UN its subject. Paul Schreyer calls the WEF , which represents the thousand largest corporations in the world, the “Politburo of Capitalism” - it couldn't be better said. It is by far the most powerful actor with global reach and the only one that works.

Bill Gates claims in all seriousness that climate change and nuclear war can be dealt with, the real danger is the pandemics lurking in the backdrops. Our human friends are therefore constantly telling of pandemic catastrophes of apocalyptic proportions, occasionally with scenarios that read like instructions for use for the current pandemic. The passionate pandemics also toil on two other global construction sites: digital identity and digital money. The two most important building blocks of total global control.

This is what the grim conspiracy theory looks like. I am grateful for any reference to their refutation.


A well-known alliance of epidemic watchdogs, media, doctors and the pharmaceutical lobby is at work again during the Corona era - you encounter astonishing personal continuities over almost twenty years. For example Prof. Dr. Christian Drosten from the Berlin Charité. A man who was almost always there when a pandemic was born in the 21st century, and whose warnings - sometimes identical to the point - reliably proved to be false; who had a PCR test for a "novel" coronavirus in his pocket before anyone could even know that it was a coronavirus; who transformed, monopolized and spread the chattering helplessness into media expertise in an almost uncanny way;

The world is currently living in the waiting room of the apocalypse. It's not a coincidence. Because there is a long history that gives an inkling of the revelation that is still to come.

Voices about the book:

“The epidemic is also a media disaster. Walter van Rossum does what journalism has refused to do for a year: research, classify, ask. «
Prof. Michael Meyen, media researcher

"With great expertise, van Rossum sheds light on the background and context of the corona events and reveals a global Watergate - a journalistic masterpiece."
Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi, microbiologist and infection epidemiologist

»Facts no longer play a role in the fear machine that is running at full speed. Good journalistic research like this one is therefore all the more important. The book provides numerous pieces of evidence, shows the background and creates the necessary counter-narrative to the prevailing ideology. Reading tip! «
Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, doctor and health scientist

“What we need more urgently than ever in these times are clever and courageous scouts. Walter van Rossum is one of them. A pleasure to read. «
Viviane Fischer, lawyer and economist

»My respect goes to Walter van Rossum. He belongs to the minority of those who oppose the mass media brainwashing despite massive hostility from government propaganda. In his book he skillfully exposes one of the worst fear propagandists of our time as a charlatan. «
Ullrich Mies, author and publicist

»The book not only proves the comprehensive failure of the› virologist of the nation ‹, but also that of the entire scientific, media and political business. The authority of the mass media is relentlessly exposed. Thanks to the publisher for publishing this brave book. «
Ken Jebsen, journalist and publisher

»› My pandemic with Professor Drosten ‹is not only impressive because of the abundance of details, but also gives hope, humor and distance from everyday madness. In this book, European culture lives in its best sense. The realization: Human thinking in many facets cannot be abolished in spite of endless emotional outbursts from well-paid politicians. Thank you, Walter van Rossum. «
Gabriele Gysi, actress and director

Quotes from the book:

“With the outbreak of the corona pandemic, all forms of logic and even the remnants of so-called common sense seem to have been eradicated. The citizens carry the terror of the pandemic. "

»Critics are increasingly being hunted down, websites are switched off, videos on YouTube are blocked, and the agitation is getting uglier. In war, any doubt becomes treason. The ranks must remain closed. The commander in chief of the pandemic armed forces is and remains Professor Christian Drosten. He has come a long way. The bourgeois world has finally left the shackles of its ›values‹ behind. «

“Global realities have been systematically shattered, not by the virus, but by the actions taken on its behalf. It is unforgivable. But probably the prerequisite for the long-prepared revelation that now awaits us. "

“No, the 'Great Reset' will not reveal itself as a coup. A scrap-ripe world will unconditionally surrender to its rescuers. Organizations and networks that have been prepared for this for a long time. "

Source: Rubikon


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