BAR, Topic: Bigoted Paternalism Behind “Russians Targeted African-Americans” NY Times Article

The Times would have us believe that the reason African-Americans did not uniformly vote for Hillary Clinton and the Democrats is because they were too dimwitted to think for themselves.”


"The outlandish “Russian interference” narrative just took a turn from the banal to blatantly disrespectful. For the past two years, the punditry on the supposed left have been peddling the lie that the thousands of dollars spent on Facebook and Google ads—purportedly at the behest of Putin—had more impact on the outcome of the 2016 elections than the billions of dollars that were unleashed by corporations, lobbyists and the dark moneyed oligarchs.
This week, the New York Timesdecided to stop insulting our intelligence and instead chose to insult decency. According to an article written by Scott Shane and Sheera Frenkel, Russians allegedly unleashed an intricate plot to targeted African-Americans in order to foment discontent and dupe “black people” to vote against their self-interest. The corporate recorders at the Times would have us believe that the reason African-Americans did not uniformly vote for Hillary Clinton and the Democrats is because they were too dimwitted to think for themselves and were subsequently manipulated by foreign agents. This yellow press drivel is nothing more than propaganda that could have been written by George Wallace.
Sure enough, within short order, the “liberal” establishment latched on to this pathetic and racist story line to feign shock and dismay that Trump and his allies took advantage of the weak and vulnerable. With rank paternalism and bigotry worthy of David Duke, these supposed progressives are inferring that we can’t think for ourselves and that only they can act on our behalf. We are “their Negroes” and if we are not walking in lock step with Democrats, it’s not because we are critical thinkers but because we are fragile people who need to be spoken for.
The insidious undertones of theNew York Timesarticle is straight out of the COINTELPRO playbook that was deployed during the Civil Rights Era to dismiss the frustrations of African-Americans. J. Edgar Hoover would have been proud of Scott, Sheera and the editors at “the Grey Lady,” after all he used the same feigned concerns for “black folks” to smear anyone who dared to speak against a repressive system of racism that was bludgeoning the masses from Selma to Boston and beyond. The insinuation back then was that “Negroes” were protesting because of Soviet influence, surely it had nothing to do with the fire hoses, German Shepherds and horse hooves that were being deployed to segregate people in their place. The more things change, the more they stay the same. Once again, the New York Timesdusts of their blueprint from the past while Democrats channel their inner Joseph McCarthy."


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