BAR, Topic: Why We Can't Have Nice Things -- Like A Fighting Green Party

Link:  Why We Can't Have Nice Things -- Like A Fighting Green Party  — by Bruce Dixon

I never wanted to be one of those Goldilocks socialists, for whom everything is too hot, too cold, too lumpy or too smooth to be worthy of anything but withering criticism. I’m past 65 and fast running out of time waiting for Red Moses to come down the mountain with those stone tablets and present us with a ready-made socialist party of labor and its allied social and economic organizations for us to climb aboard and ride...”


"Fourth, in place of political accountability and democracy the GP has substituted a literal forest of rules, bylaws, policies and procedures which serve to protect its leaders from internal democracy, and from being held responsible for the sorry state of the GP.
Fifth, many Greens are confused about the differences between political campaigns and political parties. This is why some other activists justifiably deride Greens as those folks who only show up when it’s election time. It’s why state Green parties have rarely if ever tried to establish physical offices – in Georgia we expect to have our first on or about May 1, 2019. A campaign aims for short term mobilization, and only needs to do enough political education to register voters and chase them out to the polls, while political parties in most of the world are year-round affairs that organize neighborhoods, labor unions, group self-help efforts and mass empowerment activities of all kinds. If our Green parties cannot develop and adapt models like this to the US, we’ll never have nice things, and the nice thing I’m talking about is a fighting Green Party."


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