Common Dreams, Topic: With 'Unlimited Funds to Lie,' Insurance Industry Readies Propaganda Blitz as Medicare for All Surges

By now, the response to such a headline: what else is new?!

Two paragraphs deep, however, the lede:

"According to strategy documents obtained by The Intercept and the watchdog group Documented, the private healthcare industry is working aggressively alongside corporate Democrats to spread anti-single payer propaganda and "minimize the potential" for Medicare for All as an alternative to the current for-profit status quo.

Directed by former Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton staffers and leading insurance industry lobbyists, an alliance called the Partnership for America's Health Care Future worked hard during the build-up to the 2018 midterm elections to convince candidates to " focus on shoring up the Affordable Care Act (ACA) instead of supporting single-payer healthcare," The Intercept reported on Tuesday."

Companion piece: Stop Medicare Privatization | PopularResistance.Org

"As the movement for National Improved Medicare for All grows, we need to make sure that Medicare Advantage, which is just a front for the private insurance industry, is not allowed to be part of a single payer health system.
 Medicare Advantage plans are private health insurance plans available to people who are eligible for Medicare. While the name sounds positive, as it is a marketing term for the insurance industry, Medicare Advantage plans are privatizing Medicare (sending dollars that could be used for care to investor’s bank accounts), preventing seniors who need care from getting it and taking us down a wrong path."


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