DDP, Topic: It is imperative to construct a 5th International of workers and peoples

Link: It is imperative to construct a 5th International of workers and peoples — by Samir Amin

"We are now in the phase of the ‘autumn of capitalism’ without this being strengthened by the emergence of ‘the people’s spring’ and a socialist perspective. The possibility of substantial progressive reforms of capitalism in its current stage is only an illusion. There is no alternative other than that enabled by a renewal of the international radical left, capable of carrying out – and not just imagining – socialist advances. It is necessary to end crisis-ridden capitalism rather than try to end the crisis of capitalism."


"i)Contemporary capitalism is presented as being ‘open’ to criticism and reform, as innovative and flexible.  Some voices claim to put an end to the abuses of its uncontrolled finance and the permanent austerity policies that accompany it – and thus ‘save capitalism’.  But such calls will remain in vain as present practices serve the interests of the oligarchs of the Triad – the only ones that count – as they guarantee the continual increase of wealth in spite of the economic stagnation that besets their countries.

ii)The European sub-system is an integral part of imperial globalization.  It was conceived in a reactionary spirit, that was anti-socialist and pro-imperialist, subordinate to the military command of the United States.   Within it, Germany exercises its hegemony, particularly in the framework of the euro zone and over Eastern Europe which has been annexed just as Latin America has been annexed by the United States. ‘German Europe’ serves the nationalist interests of the German oligarchy, which are expressed with arrogance, as we saw in the Greek crisis.  This Europe is not viable and its implosion has already started.

iii)The stagnation of growth in the countries of the Triad contrasts with the acceleration in growth of regions in the South which have been able to profit from globalization.   It has been concluded too hastily that capitalism is alive and well, even if its centre of gravity is moving from the old countries of Atlantic West to the South, particularly Asia.  In actual fact the obstacles to pursuing this historical corrective movement are likely to become increasingly violent, including military aggression.   The imperial powers do not intend to allow any country of the periphery – great or small – to free themselves from domination.

iv)The ecological devastation that is necessarily associated with capitalist expansion is reinforcing the reasons why this system is not viable."


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