Launch of the Progressive International, November 30, 2018, Vermont | DiEM25

Progressive International


Progressive International

Speakers: - Niki Ashton, Member of the Canadian House of Commons; - David McWilliams, Economist, Broadcaster & Journalist; - Jeffrey Sachs, Economist & Public Policy Analyst; - Senator Bernie Sanders (I) Vermont, - Yanis Varoufakis, Economist & DiEM25 co-founder - Ada Colau, Mayor of Barcelona

This launch of a "Progressive International," at The Sander's Institute - founded by Jeffrey Sachs -  offers plenty of fodder for socialist leaning leftists to address critically and to constructively discuss.

Use the comment section as your spittoon, or raise their hemlock-brimming chalice to your lips and drink up. That's the binary perspective. Truth and reason, like the shadow, falls in-between and invites dialogue.

Whichever the case, go for it. Discuss.


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