Left Voice, Topic: French Socialists Call for General Strike to Oust Macron, Abolish Senate

Link:  French Socialists Call for General Strike to Oust Macron, Abolish Senate


"Macron’s announcement that he will suspend certain proposed tax increases has done nothing to extinguish the movement. For right-wing and left-wing politicians who have been in power for almost 40 years, the risk is that pushing Philippe out of office will not be a lasting solution. It amounts to going back to the polls and making a few small reforms so that nothing really changes. As for pushing Macron out, nobody thinks seriously about it. Yet this is the goal that the Yellow Vest movement increasingly advances with the slogan “Macron must go!”
This is where the current movement comes up against its main limitations but also poses a number of questions. On the one hand, even if, locally, many organized sectors of the labor movement, local unions, CGT Union Locale and even CGT Union Départamentale converge with the Yellow Vests and vice versa, this is a trend that is still too uneven territorially. The national leaderships are doing nothing to move toward converging with, extending or coordinating the movement. A particularly illustrative example is the CGT, which on Wednesday called for a day of action on December 14, but without a call to strike and without building up the mobilization amongst the rank and file.
The only way to actually depose Macron would be to obstruct the country’s economy, which cannot be done from the outside. It requires millions of workers to strike, a real general strike, like in 1968. Combative unions and Yellow Vests should therefore demand or even impose this perspective on the trade unions’ national leaderships, starting with the call for a full day of general strike coinciding with the Yellow Vests’ action on December 14.

“Macron Must Go!.” ... But What Next?

One of the most striking features of the Yellow Vest movement is that, in addition to the desire to depose the president, it raises questions about the very purpose of the institutions of the Republic. Thus we have seen the emergence of demands such as the abolition of the Senate, the reduction of the number of deputies and their salaries, the organization of popular referendums, etc. Some seek to respond to these democratic aspirations with parliamentary maneuvers, such as the request for a simple dissolution of the Assembly by Le Pen or Mélenchon, or the fuzzy dream of a Sixth Republic."


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