Consortium News Topic: "Watch Replay of 13th Vigil for Assange"

Someone I know in the flesh called me this morning to suggest I post this on The Digger. Consortium News  has been posting on the Assange vigil; this is the 13th. The videos are very long and, at least on my end, the sound isn't synced with the image content, but there's interesting talking going on anyway. I'm partially through it. I'm posting Consortium's written introduction and readers can follow the link to get the videos.


Watch Friday’s broadcast here on Consortium News that discussed the latest news on WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.
The WikiLeaks publisher continues to resist pressure to leave the Ecuador Embassy and be sent to the U.S. for prosecution, even as he has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize and Donald Trump’s lawyer says he should not be charged with any crime.
Julian Assange’s is an historic test-case for press freedom.
Guests that appeared to discuss the latest news about Julian Assange and issues related to WikiLeaks included Bill Binney, former NSA technical director; Brian Becker, radio host of “Loud and Clear;” Ray McGovern, former CIA analyst; activist Kevin Zeese; author and activist David Swanson.
Past participants have included academics, journalists, politicians and activists, including Daniel Ellsberg, Chris Hedges, John Kiriakou, George Galloway, Craig Murray, Francis Boyle, former U.S. Senator Mike Gravel, Andrew Fowler, Caitlin Johnstone, Tim Black, Jimmy Dore, Lee Camp, Margaret Kimberley, Vivian Kubrick and more.
CN Editor-in-Chief Joe Lauria conducted the interviews and moderated the discussion. The Unity4J online vigil was broadcast live at, on YouTube, on Periscope.  
Now a weekly event, the vigil has moved to a new time slot to accommodate participants and viewers around the world.  It will air every Friday from 4pm to 7pm in the U.S. Eastern time zone; from 9 pm
to midnight in the UK; from 10 pm to 1 am in continental Europe; from 11 pm to 2 am in the Middle East and Africa; from midnight to 3 am in Moscow, Istanbul and Baghdad; from 8 am to 11 a.m. on Saturday in Australia and from 10 am to 1 pm on Saturday in New Zealand.  
Because we lost the stream during the program, the recording is in two parts. You can watch Part Two here live. Part One is below:

Watch the videos at


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