Jimmy Dore, Ralph Nader: What America Can Learn From The Yellow Vests

Ralph Nader, left liberal, and Jimmy Dore, a near-inexorably socialism drifting progressive, are, IMO, tuned into the working class mood of the era; in touch and woke. 

Are their demands sufficient? Not, IMO, by a long stretch, if socialism is the ultimate cure. But, if we keep in mind that revolution is not an event in time marked by historians, but a process culminating in such an historical event, then let's intelligently and purposefully participate in tearing down the capitalist edifice with all currently available forces which may stop shy of what socialists envision but will have brought socialism within range of possibility.  Currently, socialism resides well beyond the horizon of the working class "shlep's" comprehension and imagination.

If the best some doctrinaire socialists can do is tell a "one year old": shape up junior, stop pissing in your bed, or else... socialism as a project is doomed.


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