Ladies and Gents, unless you contribute to this site; make it yours, you might as well kiss it off and get back to Truthdig.

I 'd like to extend my appreciation to Robert H and Elizabeth H for their contributions. They are, as every contributor in the sidebar, equal administrators of The Digger.

The number of vested contributors can grow at their discretion. Every commenter is free to suggest to anyone of them an existing article of note or an original essay to post.

The highly individualist Tea-partiers have shown themselves to have been far more organized "collectivists" than any number of the collectivism-aspiring/pretending left. Shame on the putative, head-up-their-collective-arse, "left," is all I have to say.

Disqus moderation has been turned off. Moderator badges are on sale for zero cents per badge.

I've been drinking sake but not enough to cloud my mind. So take it away or leave it be. I'll be off, for a week, with my two Aussies to trashed out, on account of Trump's gov. closure, Joshua Tree.

The site, as ever, is yours.

Sincerely, quoi donc(?)


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