The Day Progressive Jimmy Dore First Discovered And Dipped His Toes In Socialism

With nearly 500,000 subscribers the self-identified progressive Jimmy Dore's persistent leftward tracking finally brought him to the gates of Socialism. And he seems elated and animated by it.


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While the López Obrador administration has promised that the legal mechanisms protecting the old “protection” unions will be dismantled, it has been slow to support the movement in the streets of Matamoros. In a November interview, Alfredo Domínguez Marrufo, deputy to the new Labour Secretary Luisa María Alcalde, said that “this government will defend the freedom of workers to organize,” and that “we’re not just fighting for an economic goal, not just for decent wages, but for the revitalization of the democratic life of workers.”
Nevertheless, Domínguez held a press conference in Matamoros on January 25, and asked workers to postpone their strike for ten days while negotiations took place. “I expected more,” Quiñones said. “It was a very cold response. I think Alcalde should have come to Matamoros herself.” -


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