John D. Vedilago Sr. There is absolutely no reason for anyone left or right to support much less vote for either the Democratic/Republican criminal organizations or any of their canidates.


If any of the 15 other political parties want to vastly increase their membership and funds it should annouce and use every means possible to launch an effort to have both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party disbanded and their leaders arrested.

Both of these organized criminal organizations, trying to pass as Political Partiesand their leaders, are guilty of years and years of raceteering, voter fraud, vote rigging, vote tampering, illegal voter supression, ballot distruction, extortion, bribery, kickbacks, money laundering, war crimes, crimes agaist humanity, acting as foriegn agents etc... etc... etc..

Let us take the agressive lead in forming a broad coalition of legal scholars, orgaizations like the ACLU and lawyers, prosecuters, crimimal investigators and other disinfranchised parties to call for a crimnal audit the 2016 election, the disbandment of both these parties and put their leaders in jail and out of politics.

There is more than enough public evidence to sieze their records, freeze their assets, issue restraining orders and drag their sorry asses before grand juries and courts all across the nation at every level of governance.

There needs to be a theme and an aggressive plan of action that will ignite and unite all of the American public in a common cause. A theme that captures the disenchantment and contempt that exists acoss all party lines and in all of the 99%. A Revolutionary theme that cuts through the left and right divide in the shared unity of cause that Ralph Nader alluded to in his book “UNSTOPPABLE”. I believe that peacefully destroying these two criminal organizations by the rule of law is that theme. Let’s build on the American people’s contempt and utter disgust for what has been and is being done to them by the these two fraudulent enterprises of the 1%.

The time is right. The singular focus on brining down these two scams as I described, I believe, will bring a flood of support and money necessary to do the job. Not one sentence or position has to be changed in the Green Party platform or anyone elses to join this battle of the people, by the people, and for the American people and the people of the world.

Do this and I believe once the momentum gets going it will be an unstoppable force of alternate parties, young, independent, and those Dems and Repugs looking for real change and a real New Deal. A sustained two year campaign can have both the Dems and Repugs looking at single digits in 2020 and many of them from behind bars.

I believe that this is the real New Deal...

This our battle cry to paraphrase Jill Stein

”We don’t fight Republicans and Democrats to win
We fight them because they are Republicans and Democrats”

this I definitely agree with.


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