The Yellow Vest Protests Hit their One-Year Anniversity, and the Leftish Press Just Don't Care

Perusing the usual "progressive" sites this morning as well as the socialist ones like Jacobin and WSWS, it seems that the first anniversary of the French hitting the streets in solidarity against the neoliberal austerity movement can't get much press. The only site I've hit on so far reporting on the subject is RT, predictably enough. Anyone want to opine the reason for this media blackout among all these sites telling the Amerikan people telling us to take to the streets?

See RT's Tear gas & bonfires: Scuffles with police as Yellow Vests block roads in Paris ahead of 1st anniversary of protests (WATCH LIVE) and Fizzled-out rebels or agents of change? France’s year of Yellow Vests protests for their coverage on the issue today.


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