More Hijinks at Wikipedia

More hijinks at Wikipedia.

Consider this a public service announcement.

As you may remember, a reporter at The Off-Guardian discovered evidence that Wikipedia had edited their page on the Spanish flu. The article is here...
A few days ago, I posted this video by Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg...

As is my habit, I vetted Dr. Wodarg to see if he was credible before posting his video. This included checking his Wikipedia page; a page, by the way, that I have referred to multiple times since posting the video just to make sure I was correct in citing his medical and political affiliations when discussing this video. Well, guess what, folks? Sometime between 2:00 pm and 9:00 pm on Thursday, someone edited Dr. Wodarg's wiki page to make it seem like he associated with con artists, was sympathetic to pedophiles, and whose video was primarily being pushed by rightwing nutbags.


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