USA all-cause mortality 2015-2020 weeks 1-19

Thanks to Maxwell for this contribution to a good cause...

USA all-cause mortality 2015-2020 weeks 1-19

For quite a while I’ve been trying to find the US all-cause death stats for the recent years, but I always assumed that before too long someone more knowledgeable about the US figures would get them and make a graph. But if anyone did, I never saw it.
The CDC website is pretty awful, and unorganised, and it leads you around in circles, but eventually I found them on this page about the flu. Not on the page itself, but if you click on Download (and choose between a few options when they come up), you get a file with various information, including flu and respiratory deaths, but also the all-cause deaths figures back to 2015. (I found that if you opened the file directly into Excel, it didn’t load in any sort of useful way, but if you save the file first and then download it, it works.)
I then had to add up the totals for weeks 1-19 for the last six years. (There is data for weeks 20 and 21 for 2020, but this is incomplete, so I only went up to week 19, which is up to 8 May).
So I’ve made a bar graph out of this data.
Can you see a once-in-a-century disaster here? Or did the various lockdowns amazingly save millions of lives? (They sure were amazing, those lockdowns, weren’t they?)
2020is so far only 10% above the five-year average (which is 1 045 365).
Bear in mind as well that some of these 2020 deaths will be lockdown deaths, rather than Covid-19 deaths.
I’ve also downloaded US state data, which I’ve working through to get the New York City and New York State data from, which has been the worst-hit area in the US.

Source: Hector Drummond Magazine


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