"A Story or Prophecy of Doom" by Mensch59 (18 December 2020)

If the following actually happens, it will probably result in a collective amnesia so severe that it won't be remembered by the survivors.

Is it really possible that, short of a global thermonuclear war between great geopolitical powers, technocracy could murder ten times more people in say ten to twenty years than capitalism killed in sixty years? Between 1915 C.E. and 1975 C.E., there was a major flu pandemic which killed approximately fifty million people named "the Spanish flu". There were also two world wars which killed approximately one hundred million persons. Then there were the post World War II deaths/murders caused by the Americans securing their hegemony. For simplicity sake, let's blame all of these deaths on the dominant political-economic system of the time, namely what we call "capitalism". 

For those readers who actually like capitalism, but who hate its (so-called) antitheses -- namely socialism, communism, Maoism, Stalinism, Marxist-Leninism -- you can approximate the number of murders committed by the commies and add them into the number of murders committed by the capitalists. I'm going to conservatively estimate that (so-called) "communism" killed eighty five million people via the practice of centrally planning and centrally controlling their economies resulting in famines, along with Stalin's gulags and purges, the Chinese Communist Party's Cultural Revolution, various liberation movements.

In addition to the fifty million deaths from Spanish flu caused by the capitalists, the combined murders committed by capitalists was one hundred and twenty five million, giving the capitalists a grand total of one hundred and seventy five murder to their credit, while the commies killed about half that number.

That was the past. Some people might conclude that the past is prologue and that the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior and that, as bad as things were in the past, the future looks much, much worse. So, what about the future? Even though it cannot be "known", it can be prognosticated. That's what this "prophecy of doom" or "story" is about, if you will bear with me and if I have not lost you, dear reader, already. For anyone who bothers to look at my commenting history, I admit that I suffer from diarrhea of the keyboard.

The world has experienced what is popularly called a "paradigm shift". The socialist-communist Marxism of the Chinese and the Soviet Union had been subsumed by capitalism. This dominance by capitalism is no longer the case. Not only did socialist-communism die, capitalism has transformed. Actually, more like a transmogrification, but that's another story. We live in a post-capitalist social order called "technocracy". The question is "How many millions to billions of us will technocracy murder in what time frame?" Here's my prognostication. Just remember. It's only a story, a myth.

In 2019 C.E. the technocrats implemented a psychological warfare operation named "Covid-19 in order to bring about technocracy. Technocracy will murder two thousand six hundred million of us over the next thirty years. Two point six billion human beings. That's one-third of the present human population. Not extinction, but mass murder on a scale never seen before. Line up all seven point eight billion of us and look to the left and then look to the right. One in three of us will be exterminated. That's the conservative estimate.

Some of us see an even worse case scenario, that being that the technocrats (numbering in the thousands) really only need about half a billion slaves, so therefore their plan is to sterilize many females -- so that the world's mortality rate exceeds the world's birth rate, stopping & then reversing population growth  -- and exterminate between six and seven billion of us remaining undesirables, untermenschen. We'll see. Or not. Maybe some of us will be forever caught in limbo -- or a more hellish post-mortal existence -- or our lights/spirits will return as slime molds or fungi or amoeba or nematodes -- not being able to have another turn on the wheel of time, the wheel of samsara as humans. Our consciousness/awareness will be so limited that we won't really have a chance to learn the necessary life lessons needed to get off of the wheel. It will have become too late to learn our life lessons needed to upload into a higher form of consciousness than what we call "human" because we won't even have the opportunity to become "human" again. The fact of the matter is that, since we are conscious that we are in human form now, this tells us that we are in the wheel of time, on the wheel of samsara as humans for a purpose. That purpose is to learn. Or the universe is purposeless. Or there is some other reason for intelligent life to exist. Whatever floats your boat.

Anyway, we live in a post-capitalist world now because the political-economic paradigm has shifted. The present day humans who call themselves "socialists" cannot handle that truth. The socialists have been indoctrinated to believe that there will be a revolution by the working class to liberate the working class from the capitalists. There will be a workers' paradise, a utopia. The only dystopia which the socialists can conceive of is capitalism. The socialists cannot conceive that there are no capitalists anymore to be liberated from. The capitalists have created a post-capitalist social order because capitalism -- due to its inherent contradictions -- is self-destructive. That capitalism has already self-destructed is inconceivable to the socialists. The socialists have the vision that there will be a revolutionary transition from capitalism to socialism and that this transition is inevitable, pre-determined, infallible. That this vision could be false -- and that this vision has already been falsified -- is beyond their ability to collectively conceive. 

Many to most of the anti-socialist conservatives are blind to this paradigm shift from capitalism to technocracy too. Primarily, the conservatives are in favor of the status quo. They want to keep things as they are. Their vision is for the capitalists to continue to exploit and oppress the workers, but for (so-called) "good government" to apply common sense reforms and regulations in order to keep life livable for both sides. So (generally) the conservatives call Klaus Schwab and his ilk such epithets as "socialists" or "cultural Marxists" or "liberals" instead of recognizing Klaus Schwab and his ilk as technocrats and recognizing that technocracy has about as much in common with socialism as crude oil has in common with fresh water.

Both the conservatives and the socialists generally fail to see technocracy as a paradigm shift of the political economy. Why? Because it's not the vast majority of us -- i.e. the working class and the lower-to-middle middle class -- rising together to overthrow the parasitical rulers as the socialists envision. And it's not the vast majority of us -- i.e. the working class and the lower-to-middle middle class -- going about with business as usual according to the order of the status quo as the conservatives envision. It's not even about the continuation of the oppression and exploitation of the working class and the lower-to-middle middle class. It's about extermination. 

What this paradigm shift IS is what's actually happening. The capitalists have turned into financiers and rentiers who have an over-abundance of workers. Too much productivity. Time for a reset. The Hegelian Dialectic: Problem-Reaction-Solution. This overabundance of people is a problem which needs to be solved. Thus, the "final solution" is for a goodly number of serfs to be exterminated and say five hundred million be kept as breeding stock, while the rest are replaced by cyborgs (part human, part machine), machines, robots, artificial intelligence. I think that this technocratic solution will fail, but that's another story.

Let's put ourselves into this scenario: if I was a slave, would I rather revolt and face the consequences of the rebellion failing due to the powerlessness of the slave versus the power of the slave owner OR would I rather accept my oppression and exploitation and live out my days OR would I rather be exterminated. I think that it's safe to say that being exterminated and replaced by a machine is the least attractive option. Maybe that's exactly what's being planned and executed though. Think about it.

Technocracy is the nightmarish dystopian scenario for the working and middle classes. It's no wonder that not only socialists and their ilk -- e.g. leftists & left-libertarians -- but also conservatives and their ilk -- e.g. right-wingers and von Mises libertarians -- have a strong desire (both conscious and unconscious) to be willfully blind to what's happening. 

Technocracy, it is hypothesized, will kill off at least one-third of humanity before the killing ends. And do you, dear reader, want to know what's worse? Plenty of "educated" and "socially conscious" and even "class conscious" people are F.I.N.E. (Fucked up. Ignorant. Neurotic. Elitist.) enough about this culling of the human population. Why? Because they have bought into the overpopulation myth. The technocrats will commit mass murder on a scale never experienced, while the "educated" volk are complicit -- just like the "good Germans" during the Nazi-fascist slaughter of Slavs, Jews, communists, Bolsheviks, Gypsies, homosexuals (and other sexual "deviants"), the disabled, other untermenschen. This is simply on a much bigger scale because the world population now is over 7.5 billion of us, while at 1900 the world population was about 6 billion less. 

Is there any good news? Maybe there will be a place of refuge where there is a gathering of people who are the only ones not at war with one another.

This is my first attempt at creative writing. Thanks for the purpose of this blog.


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