Texas University Tells Students To Wear Masks During Masturbation

 Another article from Иван, thank you very much!  We'll file this one under comic relief...

Texas University Tells Students To Wear Masks During Masturbation

Advises students to “pick a large, well-ventilated space” for masked up sex, “avoid kissing” and “wash your hands before and after”

Steve Watson

A Texas University suggested in a series of tweets that students should wear face masks during masturbation, even quipping that they should ‘mask-urbate’.

The University of North Texas’s Student Health and Wellness Center fired out the tweets, which have since been deleted because they offered advice contrary to that of the school’s guidelines on coronavirus, according to Campus Reform.

One of the tweets declared “Mask-urbate?! Read below to learn more,” with an accompanying image suggesting that any students with COVID symptoms should “skip sex and stay in.”

An infographic emblazoned with the university logo read “Mask-urbate! Use face coverings during mutual masturbation to reduce your risk,” while also suggesting students “be creative with physical barriers & sexual positions to prevent close face-to-face contact.” 

A further tweet declared that students should wear masks during sex, “pick a large, well-ventilated space” for getting it on, “avoid kissing” and “wash your hands before and after.”

The tweets were reportedly removed because the University doesn’t even want students to go near each other.

“Face coverings are not a substitute for appropriate social distancing,” the school guidelines state.

As we previously reported, The University of Georgia published a similar guide on its health website that advised students to consider “wearing a face mask during sex.”


This madness isn’t just being touted around universities, with the BBC in the UK advising the public to wear masks if they want to have sex with each other.

“Your best sexual partner during the Covid-19 pandemic is yourself,” the article further notes, encouraging people to engage in “masturbation, sex toys or having phone or online sex,” rather than the real thing.

Several US universities have threatened to completely cut off basic services, including internet access for students if they do not fully comply with all COVID restrictions on campus.

As we have previously reported, colleges are being used as testing grounds for technology to enforce draconian distancing, mask and lockdown measures:

Universities are also threatening to suspend students who dare to leave pre-determined ‘bubble’ areas around campuses, or visit non “approved businesses” without permission.

Source: Summit News


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