The Billionaires Backing Geoengineering


The Billionaires Backing Geoengineering


The belief that there is an agenda to alter the Earth’s climate was once relegated to the fringes of the conspiracy world. In more recent years however, geoengineering has gone mainstream. Not only are legacy media outlets like NPR and Forbes devoting coverage to the issue, there is an elite clique openly funding a wide array of geoengineering experiments across the globe in the name of saving the planet.

Through a costly and concerted effort to buy favorable influence in the press, Bill Gates has been able to style himself as a tireless philanthropist who simply can’t give his money away fast enough. The truth is, unsurprisingly, much darker than that. Depending on who you ask, Gates’ true identity ranges from ruthless businessman to closeted eugenicist to cartoonish villain and as part of the billionaire’s latest philanthropic charade he appears to be doing his best Mr. Burns impression. In one better-known episode of The Simpsons the devilish Mr. Burns blocks out the sun with a giant spatula-like device so that his energy company could reap the benefits of perpetual darkness. The similar Gates-funded operation set to go live in Sweden in June is a bit more high tech.

Harvard University scientists working on the Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment (SCoPEx) in partnership with the Swedish Space Corporation will be launching a high-altitude balloon above the town of Kiruna in the Swedish Arctic. Once high above the balloon will release calcium carbonate dust into the atmosphere and then monitor the resulting changes. SCoPEx believed there was no need to acquire permission from Sweden to carry out such an experiment.

There were plans to carry out this experiment over the skies of New Mexico over 2019 but SCoPEx was unable to get permission to do so. And rightly so. There is fear that such rogue experimentation could lead to damaging the ozone layer, disrupting ocean currents, impairing photosynthesis, triggering unforeseen climactic events, or harming human health. This doesn’t even touch on the ethical questions asking whether it is okay for a multi-billionaire with a dim view of humanity to play God.

This is not Gates’ first foray into geoengineering. Since 2007 he has pumped millions to finding ways of artificially altering the climate. Sometimes this come in the form of academic studies while other times he buys a piece of a promising company so that, like Mr. Burns, he can reap a profit.

The money, at least early on, was managed by his “informal energy and climate advisers” Ken Caldeira and David Keith.

Before becoming a recipient of Gates’s millions, Caldeira spent many years working at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, a federal research facility most famous for it’s role in developing nuclear weapons. While at the lab, Caldeira alluded to doing work on how to most effectively weaponize the climate. For a time, Caldeira also worked for Intellectual Ventures, a private geoengineering research company part-owned by Gates and funded by companies like Microsoft, Yahoo, Intel, Amazon, Google, and a large number of investment firms. He currently holds a position with the Carnegie Institution for Science which once housed a prominent eugenics research department.

Keith, who’s directly involved in the SCoPEx project, is unquestionably devoted to radical geoengineering but also has a bizarre tendency to act as if geoengineering is still something to be trialed in the future even though geoengineering experiments have been publicly acknowledged for decades. Keith is also a board member at Carbon Engineering, a company looking to commercialize direct air capture technology to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. This purported clean energy company has received millions in funding from fossil fuel giants Chevron, Occidental, and BHP, as well as billionaires Peter J. Thompson, N. Murray Edwards, and Bill Gates.

Gates isn’t the only billionaire funding geoengineering projects.

Richard Branson once offered $25 million in prize money to anyone who could produce commercially viable ways to permanently remove greenhouse gases from the Earth’s atmosphere. Carbon Engineering was one of the 11 finalists announced in 2011.

In 2010 a small California-based research body called SilverLining received $300,000 in funding from Gates to conduct “cloud-whitening trials” which would reflect more sunlight back into the atmosphere, thus reducing global warming. Over the next decade SilverLining would quietly rebrand itself as an NGO and continued to deepen it’s pockets with help from wealthy sponsors in Silicon Valley. In October 2020 they were able to give $3 million in grants to various universities to study “solar climate intervention” technologies.

Around this time Stripe, the financial services company whos billionaire CEOs are backed by Peter Thiel and Elon Musk, announced it was going to directing funds towards geoengineering in the form of carbon dioxide removal. Co-founder of Stripe, Patrick Collinson created his own geoengineering project called Project Green Fuse which is experimenting with adding the mineral olivine to coastal environments which will offset greenhouse gas emissions.

Another Silicon Valley-backed organization, Oceankind hosted a conference in 2019 which gathered scientists, policy-makers and funders together to discuss geoengineering the world’s oceans. Who funds Oceankind is a tightly guarded secret (the organization was founded as a LLC rather than a NGO to avoid having to disclose public financial documents) and Evan Rapoport, the company’s first CEO and Google project manager, signed non-disclosure agreements with the “ultra-high net worth family in Silicon Valley” who funded the organization into existence.

While some of the world’s richest men try to go full steam ahead with their geoengineering plans, the international bureaucracy is playing catchup. The United Nations has been trying to slot geoengineering into their sustainable development goals while group calling themselves The Elders, comprised of bureaucrats and heads of state are calling for a “rigorous governance framework for geoengineering” to be instituted globally and as quickly as possible. The Council on Foreign Relations has been promoting the idea that a global framework around geoengineering needs to be installed to ward off an environmental doomsday that they see as all but certain.

The complete picture should be coming into view by now. The world’s economic elite, always seeking just a little bit more power and wealth, back the pre-approved winners of the forthcoming green future. They also fund the science and studies needed to give these schemes academic credibility. Then come the bureaucrats, bought off long ago, to enforce the legal framework to crush any competition or resistance to the agenda.

At the very least those backing these globe spanning scientific experiments stand to profit handsomely from their endeavors as new technologies develop, markets for such technologies grow, grants become available, and political lobbying expands. However, when we look back on the last year we see a similar nexus of academia, bureaucracy, big tech, and billionaires converging around the coronavirus hysteria as they try and usher in the nightmarish Great Reset.

Month after month now we have seen the enormous economic and humanitarian toll their leadership has taken on the planet grow while they sit back, get even richer, and consolidate power further. Let’s not assume their desire to save the planet through reckless experimentation includes saving us along with it.


Source: What About The Roads?


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